Replicas, streams, irregular chainsΒΆ

import pyobs
import numpy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook
mu = 0.5 # central values
cov = (mu*0.5)**2 # error^2

# autocorrelation time

rng = pyobs.random.generator('tutorial-v2')
data1 = rng.markov_chain(mu,cov,tau,1000)

data2 = rng.markov_chain(mu,cov,tau,600)
Random generator initialized with seed = 2458954236 [tutorial-v2]
obsA = pyobs.observable(description='Observable A')
Observable with shape = (1,)
 - description: Observable A
 - created by mbruno at on Sat Aug 20 14:42:09 2022
 - size: 73 KB
 - mean: [0.57392611]
 - Ensemble EnsA
    - Replica replica1 with ncnfg 1000
    - Replica replica2 with ncnfg 600
         temporary additional memory required 0.015 MB

Now we artificially create a stream with holes. To make sure that the autocorrelations are still treated properly we must provide the configuration index

mask = rng.sample_boolean(1000)
icnfg = numpy.arange(1000)

obsB = pyobs.observable(description='MC history w/o holes')
obsB.create('EnsA',data1, icnfg=list(icnfg))

obsC = pyobs.observable(description='MC history w/ holes')
obsC.create('EnsA',data1[mask], icnfg=list(icnfg[mask]))
Observable with shape = (1,)
 - description: MC history w/o holes
 - created by mbruno at on Sat Aug 20 14:42:09 2022
 - size: 46 KB
 - mean: [0.77002284]
 - Ensemble EnsA
    - Replica 0 with ncnfg 1000
         temporary additional memory required 0.015 MB

Observable with shape = (1,)
 - description: MC history w/ holes
 - created by mbruno at on Sat Aug 20 14:42:09 2022
 - size: 32 KB
 - mean: [0.6241264]
 - Ensemble EnsA
    - Replica 0 with ncnfg 515
         temporary additional memory required 0.015 MB

print('Full MC history')
print('MC history w/ holes')
Full MC history
{'EnsA': [array([3.82836706]), array([1.05540797])]}
MC history w/ holes
{'EnsA': [array([3.91062104]), array([1.37858042])]}
[ ]: